Terza mobilità in Romania

Comenius Regio  2011-2013


8- 10  October 2012, TIMISOARA,  TIMIS county, ROMANIA


Monday 8th October  2012


12.10 – Arrival of the Italian delegation at “Traian Vuia” Airport Timisoara A warm welcome by Mrs. Elena Boldea, from project team

12.40 – Accommodation at Central Hotel


15.00-16.30 – A meeting with Mrs. Elena Boldea  in the hotel lobby in order to participate in an interactive workshop graphics with graphic designer Ladislau Dömölki


17.00-18.30 Project activity – “Dissemination activities in framework of the project in June - august”, an activity carried out by teachers and  students’ representatives in the two partner schools

19.00-21.00 – Dinner offered by Principal of  Technical College “King Ferdinand Ist” Timisoara

Tuesday 9th October 2012


8.50 – Meeting in the hotel lobby

9.00- 9.50 – An informal meeting with the General School Inspector, Mr. Cornel Petroman, and Deputy General School Inspectors  Mr. Halasz Francisc and Mrs. Aurelian Sima

10.00-10.50 – A meeting with the official representatives of Municipality Administration of  Timisoara City


11.00-12.30 – A meeting with the official representatives of  Department
the relationship with the environment education, development career and cultural activities, arts and sports in West University of Timisoara

13.00-14.00 – Lunch offered by the partner schools Technical College “King Ferdinand Ist” Timisoara

14.00-16.00 – Timisoara multiethnic – democratic citizenship in Banat example,  a activity carried out by teachers and  students’ in the of Timisoara Technical College “King Ferdinand Ist” Timisoara


16.00-18.00 – Visiting the Exposition of paintings from the Baroque Palace

18.00-19.30 – City tour

20.00 – 22.00 – Dinner offered by Timis County School Inspectorate


Wednesday 10th October 2012


9.00-10.00 – A meeting in Timis County School Inspectorate with the Romanian and Italian partners about final products: teaching package about active citizenship,  Comparative analysis, best practice booklet, dissemination instruments and about preparing the sixth mobility

10.00-11.30 – Presentation Training Firms within the Technical College “Emmanuil Ungureanu” Timisoara, example of good practice in involving students in the management and performance within a company.

11.40-13.20 – CLDSP involvement in educational partnership between Technical College “I.I.C. Bratianu” Timisoara and economic entities


13.30 – 14.30 Lunch offered by CLDPS representatives


16.00 – Meeting in the hotel lobby in order to go to the airport


12.30 – 13.00 Presentation of the project 

Ultima modifica 19/mar/2013
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